When You Need Someone .com

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Need Advice, a Mentor, Tutor, Friend?

Many of us realize the need for these precious commodities, but at the moment we really don't yet have a great network in the Christian community for finding them. Sure, people can generally connect and stay in touch at IndyChristian.com, but we need much more than that. We need Christians actively working together to develop a mentoring network.

And thankfully, help is on the way. A key contact at this point, is Pastor James Carter, who's leading the charge to develop a mentor-recruiter program for IPS school mentors and for many other great organizations that need them desperately. For more information, visit 1000Mentors.com.

So if you're willing to invest an hour/week in the life of some young person to make a difference that could last them a lifetime... contact James Carter. Or come to one of the Transform Indiana ministry networking meetings, and meet many others who are actively networking toward bringing Christ to bear on every walk of life in our communities.

We'll also start compiling great Mentor/Tutor links below:


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