When You Need Someone .com

Friday, March 17, 2006

Need Money?

Need money? Everyone seems to think that's the answer, am I right?

Money itself is not usually what you really need. So you might check the other categories first. Often it's way easier to come up with what you REALLY need; not the money to buy it.

And we'll be the first to remind you, "The best things in life are free... or nearly so."

Here are some great Biblical perspectives on money. Understand truths God has for you in His instruction book... the Bible... and you'll have the very most 'inside track' on how to appropriate His resources.

Ok, but you say... "Hey, this time I really DO need MONEY. How can you help me?"

Stay tuned...

[Psssstttt... Hey, if YOU'RE someone that is a Christian 'expert' in some money areas... contact us if you'd like to help here, by adding great links or free advice.]


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